When not to work with me:
If you are looking for a way to always feel good about yourself, if you don't like yourself, and wish to learn how to make yourself different than you are through coaching, if you are looking for a coach who works with unexplained phenomena,
I am not the one for you.
I have had extraordinary spiritual experiences myself, but I am committed to philosophical inquiry and work very pragmatically with what you can feel, hear, see, really understand.
With the belief in concepts like fate, like causality, I think many people make it too easy for themselves and stop questioning.
I find our success-oriented society quite problematic, and I often see people fleeing into spirituality
as a way out of this reality.
Just as many people run after fictitious monetary and superficial goals,
because they can't stand it with themselves.
If you want to learn this, read on.
Why should you work with me?
If you're looking for a coach to help you find ease and direction in this increasingly complex world, I may be the one.
I believe that we can and should first find this orientation within ourselves,
and discovering and nurturing that in you is something I am willing to support wholeheartedly.
I believe that there is probably no higher meaning to our existence,
and I think people should not take themselves so important -
and yet we can be happy and live life fully and intensely.
Other than that:
I am excellent at listening.
And by that I mean I listen carefully and meanwhile question and sort out and structure what you are saying and what you might not be aware of yet.
I'm very good at uncovering blind spots.
Most of us contradict ourselves several times within one statement,
and I don't think that’s a problem, I find it interesting.
With this realization change can happen.
At the beginning of the collaboration, it may seem like the chaos of thoughts inside you is unmanageable, but you don't have to worry about that.
I'm very good at sorting out what I'm hearing, and within each session a lot of things will clear up that seem jumbled before.
I hear out where you are telling yourself a story that you strongly believe in
(e.g. "at a certain age it's too late to start something new",
or "no matter what I do, it's not enough")
and listen to where you are harming yourself with this.
Together and gently we will find out what the reasons are,
and whether it is still necessary. And what could be better for you!
This requires a lot of empathy, love and tact, which I bring with me.
Growing up in a constantly changing often chaotic patchwork family, I relied on my instincts and my powers of observation as a compass, which helps me in my work with you today.
I have clear values that I live by,
two of which are respect and appreciation.
According to my previous clients and all good friends, you will feel accepted by me for who you are.
(which is quite rare in our society).
I find the idiosyncrasies of each individual interesting and exciting rather than judgmental,
and am not easily shocked.
That being said, I am human just like you, and as a coach, speak to you at eye level.
I'm always happy to share my insecurities and mistakes, and I'm also apparently pretty funny, as people keep telling me. I think so too.
After you work with me, you will most likely feel much lighter (in your head, in your body), more with yourself, and much more focused.
You will no longer be afraid of yourself. Your relationships will most likely improve, and your interactions with others will relax.
You will most likely feel like being more authentic in public, and face life's challenges with courage and curiosity instead of fear of the unknown.
Together we'll figure out what you need to enjoy being with you.
My credo:
Let yourself be and get to know you.
Who are you once you let yourself be?
In my own life, in my work, I am always trying to look at what is behind the facade. It’s so easy to take thinngs for granted! I find the idea of systems insanely exciting, both in small ways, like in a person, and in larger ways like an entire society or the world we live in today.
After all, most of us don't know each other very well.
Over the years, we put on glasses with a certain level of vision, which we then get used to, and in the process we also learn to see ourselves in a certain way.
In my work, I am particularly interested in first encouraging you to learn to see yourself as neutrally as possible.
To take off your glasses, to get used to the initial blur, to learn to see in a new way.
Without pressure, without judgment, without wanting to change yourself right away.
Because that's what causes so many people so much sadness and stress - wanting to change.
What if you don't have to change anything?
What if a new perspective already makes a difference?
I'm not talking about behaviors that harm us,
but about how we perceive ourselves - the self-image.
Many people don't like themselves because and while they are pretending to be liked.
This makes it very difficult to really get to know - and like - oneself.
In coaching we have space for you to get to know yourself - and then to appreciate what you have learned.
Through this learning to appreciate yourself, you can practice acceptance of what is inside of you - and only through acceptance can a sustainable
and only through acceptance can a lasting change in your behavior take place.
If you feel like going on this exciting journey that will completely change the relationship with you - fill out this questionnaire about yourself now and I will get back to you very soon.