That's what a person who knows me very well says:
Thanks to you, I know that other things are always possible.
'One' thinks 'one' has to - but Rivka would see it differently. So I can do it too.
Thanks to you, I stop to dance on the street from time to time, and from you I learned what a great responsibility it is to live a whole human life - and therefore how much it means when you appear in someone else's life and have an influence, as you said when you were probably very young.
But you have always been an "old soul", much more experienced than the number next to your age.
You look and understand and that is a wonderful thing, the image that comes to my mind is Rivka with big eyes, a smile waiting to start and clever ideas.
Living and thinking out of yourself. Spontaneous and clever.
I believe that there doesn't have to be a lot of strategy behind the really profoundly impressive things.
I didn't have to prove anything to you, I was simply allowed to be.
That gave me life and that's the only reason I am who I am today.
I can imagine that you also give that to other people. And certainly these people you will help to find their way.

This is what some of my clients say:
Búi, 36, dancer, choreographer
I think in terms of my artistic work, I feel like now I care more about my creativity, and I don't struggle so much with this habit of doubting my own ideas.
I feel more like that I'm doing it intrinsically from my own source of creativity, and that my creativity is less adultered by thoughts that this idea needs to be sellable to art juries in some way in order for me to get recognition and, like, make it.
Also, I think, in relation to my creativity, I learned that my own self worth or how I treat myself is not as much related to what I achieve.
Like, I can appreciate my creativity when I just go for a walk and I have a really good idea and I maybe just write it down, and, that in itself is valuable.
Another thing is also definitely this notion of taking space. I learned what I'm doing is enough. Like, I don’t need to climb up the academic ladder because, you know, by honoring my needs in order to feel well in this world, I get so much more energy. I'm 36 now and I feel lighter and have way more energy than I did three years ago, where I was struggling with constant exhaustion in my life.
I now focus on my well being. It’s enough, I don’t need to do more.
I think it relates to our coaching by the value that you guide from - radical honesty.