My rates

I work with a price scale based on self-assessment (inspired by the Green Bottle Model by Worts + Cunning).

You decide what you can afford to pay.

Please read through the descriptions and decide realistically what applies to you.

If you feel you are between two categories, you can also pay a price that is between the two offered prices.

I realize that even the minimum amount is challenging for some people, even the lowest amount suggested.

I have chosen a price range that allows me to finance myself through my self-employment.

3 price categories:


3 sessions = 180€

3 months (12 sessions) = 720€

11 months(48 sessions)=2880€

  • I often stress about meeting my basic needs but am always able to meet them.

  • I am able to save money to afford coaching, but going to the next price category would mean saving for longer than 12 months.

  • I have debts that sometimes prevent me from meeting my basic needs.

  • I have no savings.

  • I am unable to go out for coffee every month, go out for dinner or to the movies, party, buy new clothes, books, etc. every month.

  • I can't afford a vacation and don't have the opportunity to take time off without a heavy financial burden


3 sessions = 360€

3 months(12 sessions) = 1440€

11 months(48 sessions) = 5760€

  • I can meet my basic needs regularly, even if I sometimes worry about my finances (e.g. debt)

  • I do NOT spend a lot of my time worrying about money and meeting my basic needs.

  • I am employed and have a regular income.

  • Even if not weekly, I am able to go out for coffee, dinner, movies, parties, buy new clothes, books, etc. on a regular basis.

  • I can go on vacation every year or every few years without any financial burden.

  • If you choose this price, it means that you may have to cut back financially or save for a short time (less than 12 months), but you won't suffer any financial damage in the long term.


3 sessions = 540€

3 months(12 sessions) = 2160€

11 months(48 sessions) = 8640€

  • I am well able to satisfy all my basic needs*.

  • I can basically buy new things when I want them.

  • I have no financial worries

  • I can go on vacation regularly.

  • I have savings.

  • By choosing this price, you are making it possible for people with less wealth or income to work with me.

* Basic needs include food, housing, medical care and transportation.

All prices are payable in installments.